Ola Kujero
CEO - Shopex
Sergio Myers
CEO Surging Media
An opportunity to meet 60 to 70 companies at a time in a 72 hour period ... that's great use of our time.
Bruno Mercenari
Co-President , Inova, Mexico
ERA conferences are the perfect playground to offer our products to our international partners and possible distributors - we have to be there, we love it there!
Maja Umek
Ex International Sales Director - Studio Moderna
The ERA conferences are a great platform for exchanging ideas and seeing new trends. The events are well organized and provide an intimate, yet productive setting where we see old friends and partners but also get to make new global connections.
Daniela Todorovic
CEO - Bespoke Marketing inc, Canada
For somebody who doesn't know much about our industry, if they want to learn the most powerful form of marketing there is, there is no better place to come than to ERA ... its almost a secret weapon and that's why they should come.
Katie Williams
President Direct Response Marketing -Ideal Living, U.S.
The MCMS was a nice mixture of different concepts and different people. It was good not just to look inwards but also looking out... and the venue was wonderful! - Global expert on Media & TV innovation - MCMS Panel member 2016, 2017
Richard Kastelein
Founder - Blockchain News, Blockchain Partners
The MCMS Congress is a unique place to discuss how change impacts our industry. Speakers highlight what is going on and discuss what can be done to tackle those changes. The congress, therefore, offers a great opportunity to share best practices, discuss trends and ways to find competitive advantage. - MCM panel member 2016
Marie-Laure Barrau
Direct Response Consulting (DRC)
The MCMS annual conference should be attended by all professionals who want to establish themselves in the online retailing space and are interested in meeting people who are ahead of the curve. - MCMS panel member 2016, 2017, 2018
Emerald de Leeuw
CEO - EuroComply, Dublin
The MCMS congress is an ideal place to widen my perspective to areas that are usually not at the centre of public debate, but which are of significant importance to the audiovisual sector. - MCMS panel member 2016, 2018
Peter Matzneller
Consultant Legal & European Affairs - German Media
The exchange of knowledge and thoughts on digital developments and ideas with selected legal, technology and business experts from across Europe both in the panel discussions and also informally between sessions, were inspiring and provided new perspectives. ~ MCMS panel member 2016
Kristina Ehle
Partner-Morrison & Foerster LLP - Berlin, Germany
The MCMS is a great congress for anybody involved in multi-channel distribution who wants to make the most out of the changes that have been happening and still lie ahead of us. - MCMS panel member 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019.
Ina Bauer
Business Development & Media Manager - MediaShop Group