London, January 18th 2022. The UK Chapter of ERA Global gathered on Tuesday the 18th of January at a hybrid meeting in Chiswick, London, at the JML offices to discuss the proposal of SKY UK to install new criteria for their EPG. The new sorting criteria are due to be applied starting 28th of February 2022.

The new proposed methodology may lead to immense pressure on the available air time inventory of TV channels and may as a consequence have a strong impact on the UK industry.

The ERA GLOBAL UK Chapter will address this issue to SKY and meanwhile coordinate its communication and further activities with the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) and COBA, the association for commercial broadcasters and on-demand services.

"We had a very productive meeting yesterday. The UK industry was present and agreed that we will make a detailed assessment on the economical impact of the proposed measures and will also review the legal situation (Simon Hinton, CEO of Responsive TV and  ERA Global UK Chapter secretary). Our immediate goal is to convince Sky to extend their term given so that we can conduct the assessment with the necessary diligence in order to find a solution mutually beneficial for all parties involved."

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