Brussels, 10th June 2020 – On 10th June 2020, companies, products and individuals, who have demonstrated excellence and involvement in the growth of the Multi-Channel Home Shopping industry in the previous year, were honoured at the 5th EMMA Awards Gala. The event is organized every year by ERA GLOBAL.

The 5th EMMA Awards Gala was broadcast via pioneering tech solution and hosted live in a studio in London with guests attending ‘virtually’ and aired worldwide, so that all ERA GLOBAL member companies and friends were able to participate. "The Gala was preceded by the ERA GLOBAL Town Hall Meeting and Global Tour that offered the audience an overview of the plans of the association, as well as updates from the industry key-players. Congratulations to all of our winners – we are very happy and proud to have found these outstanding achievements amongst our members, they are all an inspiring examples. We are delighted that our jury found our champions from all over the globe“, stated Dr. Julian Oberndörfer, CEO ERA GLOBAL.

The 2020 EMMA Award winners

The Multi-Channel community has chosen the companies and professionals who have demonstrated excellence in the growth of our industry in the previous year. We congratulate all the winners, the nominees and all the companies that are part of our industry, contributing to and consolidating year by year the success of our community.

Rewatch the 2020 gala event and view the winners' entries on our EMMA Awards page.


Outstanding Contribution Award 2020
Winner: Janie Peace, Director of International Sales, JML

The EMMA for the Outstanding Contribution Award is awarded to an outstanding industry professional who possesses unique qualities, sets an example for others and is highly recognised by their industry peers. The EMMA for Outstanding Contribution was awarded to Janie Peace, Director of International Sales, JML, an icon to the community, who started in the business 28 years ago and joined JML in 2020, following many years valuable experience in the DR industry. She immediately launched JML's International Division, which now exports products and infomercials to distributor partners in more than 60 countries. In addition to the International Division, Janie is also responsible for sales to UK mail order companies and is a key member of JML's Product Development Group.

Best Short Form 2020
Winner: JML, UK for VacPack! Go

The EMMA in the category Best Short Form recognises outstanding production, sales story and product sales through a short form clip. This year’s award went to JML, UK, for the clip VacPack! Go. Elegantly shot, this compelling and engaging short-form spot uses aspirational lifestyle videography and contemporary creative direction combined with relatable, persuasive scenarios reinforced by captivating demos using time-lapsed footage to great effect.

Best Long Form 2020
Winner: Intellibrands, U.S., for Legexercise

The EMMA in the category Best Long Form recognises outstanding production, sales story, presentation and product sales through a long form clip. This year, Intellibrands, U.S., received the award for Legexercise. This line of products has been successfully selling worldwide for more than 7 years, but the last commercial reference, Legexercise PRO, which launched in the second semester of 2019, has been a consistent winner simultaneously in Europe since day one.

Best Live Show 2020
Winner: Shark Shopping, China, for Shark Duel, hosted by Cao Ying

The EMMA in the category Best Live Show recognises outstanding programming and a compelling product presentation in combination with strong audio-visual appeal and a successful sales story. The EMMA was awarded to Shark Shopping, China, for the first media shopping competition in China, Shark Duel, hosted by the celebrity Cao Ying, which re-appeared with a new name, Cao Ying’s Shark Duel. Tied to mainstream TV entertainment, Shark Shopping launched a weekly shopping show - Shark Duel - on September 9th 2019. In the following eight weeks, audience ratings and purchases kept growing. The glowing purple studio of the show had actually stirred up a whirlwind in media shopping and finally become a shopping carnival of millions.

Best Social Media Campaign 2020
Winner: Studio Moderna, Slovenia, for the World Sleep Day campaign

The EMMA in the new category Best Social Media Campaign recognises outstanding use of social media platforms with tailored communication per platform, successful brand building, a successful sales story and excellent customer interaction and involvement.

The EMMA was awarded, second year in a row, to Studio Moderna, Slovenia, for their World Sleep Day campaign. In 2017 Dormeo became sponsor of World Sleep Day, collaborating for a common cause: attract attention to the importance of sleep and sleep related problems. Every year Dormeo Sleep Day is becoming a stronger campaign, being in its 4th edition in 2020. The Campaign became a huge event internally (employees) and on the markets and goes live in 21 countries on the same date.

Best Presenter 2020
Winner: Oksana Mazourik of Sankom, Switzerland

The EMMA in the new category Best Presenter recognises an outstanding show presenter in the Multi-Channel Home Shopping industry with high personal credibility and charisma and an outstanding show performance in both sales and entertainment factor. The EMMA was awarded to Oksana Mazourik of Sankom, Switzerland, who has presented on many channels internationally in different languages. Oksana’s presentations are charismatic and the shows she hosts are entertaining to watch, delivering the message clearly and highlighting all product benefits. Oksana engages the audience and manage to generate a call to action and sales.

Best Innovation 2020
Winner: Media Shop, Austria, for Platinum Amazing Foam

The EMMA in the category Best Innovation honours innovation and excellence in the development, marketing and launch of outstanding products for the Multi-Channel Home Shopping Industry. The EMMA was awarded to Media Shop for their top-notch product, Platinum Amazing Foam - the first car wash without scrubbing which works independently to dissolve dirt. Rolled out in March, the product has already sold 75.000 units.

Best Supplier 2020
Winner: MediaShop, Austria

The EMMA in the category Best Supplier is awarded for excellence in product quality and supply, including competitive pricing, fair delivery and payment terms, as well as on-time, efficient and responsive service and support, going to an all-round excellent supplier who works in partnership with the client. The EMMA was awarded to MediaShop, Austria. MediaShop’s international team, Thomas Gros, Gernot Katzgraber and Emre Orhan, is well known for being reliable, superefficient, extremely flexible and offering great sales support.

Excellency in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) 2020
Winners: Joyles Textiles Technology Limited, Body Action, Creative China Creations, TV Products

The EMMA in the Excellency in CSR category is awarded to companies who make a difference to improve society and are an inspiring example for others on the way to a sustainable and respectful social togetherness and better life for everyone. This year the EMMA went to 4 companies that answered local communities’ needs for medical products for protection against coronavirus early this year. Joyles Textiles Technology Limited, Body Action, Creative China Creations, TV Products helped bring these products to where they were needed. This project was initiated to truly help and support and not to profit from a scarce resource. The Multi-Channel community is very grateful for their very strong commitment to solidarity and humanity in these unprecedented times!

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