Guest post by Gina Pomponi, President Bluewater

The face of the video ecosystem is evolving. As almost all traditional broadcasters (along with many new ones) offer streaming TV services, consumers benefit from a windfall of premium content that they can watch when they want, on demand.

In this new age of television, prime time is anytime.

The growth of OTT or Over-the-Top (OTT) media, streaming media such as Hulu or You Tube, has simply exploded. This means MORE opportunities for both consumers and marketers. It provides more content, choice, and convenience to consumers. It also provides marketers with new platforms on which to reach and engage their audiences.

OTT consumption shows exceptional growth starting in early March 2020, and a plateau afterward (infographic).

Therefore, an advertising campaign that utilizes both Linear TV and OTT is greater than the sum of its parts. Ad supported OTT should be considered as part of a campaign’s overall video mix, as it offers the same engaging, premium, brand safe programming found on linear TV.

The synergy of Linear TV + ad supported OTT provides MORE to advertisers:

  • More Viewer Engagement
  • More Audience Reach and Message Reinforcement
  • More Premium Ad Opportunities & Outcomes

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